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국내 및 해외에 여행다니면서 멋있는 장면이나 재미있는 모습들을 담아주세요.
제목 Revising the Comfort Women Agreement: Not a Good Idea○○ 2018-03-24 09:14:10
트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
조회:183     추천:18

My name is Daniel. I was an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea, and am now a writer who has

published three books including South Korea: Our Story by Daniel Nardini.

                              The Comfort Women Agreement, signed between South Korea and Japan in

2015, is overall a good agreement. It may be far from perfect, but it is a first step to try and help those

women who had been victimized by the former Japanese Empire 72 years ago. Yet it seems that the

Korean political left is ready to completely undermine and tear up this agreement. Here is an

important statistic. Sixty-one percent of all Japanese polled like the agreement made with South Korea

in 2015.  From what I am seeing, anything that completely breaks this agreement will not only not 

result in any better agreement between Japan and South Korea, but will lead to the worsening of

relations between the two countries. But I am afraid that is what the Korean left wants. They want to

renegotiate a treaty so bad and so against Japan that Japan will not agree to it. This should come as

no surprise because the Korean political left thoroughly hates and despises Japan and everything 

Japanese. At the same time the Korean left is not looking at a modern issue of North Korean

women being used as sex slaves in China by the Chinese criminal triads. This slave trade is all

too real, and is taking place now. North Korean women are being sold as slaves to work in

Chinese brothels or are being forced to marry Chinese men because China's one child policy

has meant that baby girls were aborted or were killed at birth. Hence, there are more Chinese

men than women, and this imbalance means Chinese men cannot find women to marry and

carry on the family name.  But then this form of modern sex slavery does not seem to count

with the Korean political left.

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○♤"사람을 알려면 그의 지갑 광명이다.(위고)" 두 손으로 얼굴을 씻는다.(플로리오)"
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추천 소스보기 답변 수정 삭제 목록
이전글 : 현대건설 사기분양, 대법원 확정 판결●◆ (2018-03-24 09:07:29)
다음글 : 현대건설 사기분양, 대법원 확정 판결◐♥ (2018-03-24 09:18:50)