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국내 및 해외에 여행다니면서 멋있는 장면이나 재미있는 모습들을 담아주세요.
제목 Hollywood and Seoul's "China Dreams"♠⊙ 2018-03-18 07:30:39
트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
조회:81     추천:11

My name is Daniel. I was an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea, and am now a writer who has

published three books including South Korea: Our Story by Daniel Nardini.

                              The film making industry in both the United States and South Korea have

a number of things in common; and one of those things is to get their films, TV shows and music

videos into the Chinese market. Of course, they make films, TV shows and music videos for their

own domestic markets. But then comes the China market. This is not too hard to figure out; China

represents the single largest movie going market in the world, and the Chinese government allows

a certain number of foreign films, foreign TV shows and foreign music videos into the country every

year. Because of this restriction, there is certainly competition among those South Korean and 

Hollywood films that get into the Chinese market. Having worked for many years in journalism, I

learned that Americans actor and film producers do large tours to promote their latest films. And

China is among the stopping points for so many American actors and film producers. What this

also comes down to is no films, TV shows or music videos critical of China. Actually, more 

critical of the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese history, and Chinese cultural values. South Korean

and Chinese co-production projects have to go on the premise that there will be no negative

content in what is filmed, or the Chinese government can unilaterally cancel all agreements.

More than that, the Chinese government has the power to force South Korean producers to

bend to their will as was the case when the South Korean producers for the South Korean band

"Twice" forced their Taiwanese member Chou Tzu-yu to apologize for waving a South Korean

and a Taiwanese flag in one video. The same thing has happened here in the United States;

actors like Richard Gere and Brad Pitt are banned from ever appearing in China, and many

Hollywood producers are now  reluctant to hire Gere for major parts even though he is a great

actor. Truth is that China does not really censor South Korean and American films more than

South Korean and American producers censor themselves to get into the Chinese market. This

seems to be the sad reality for now.

바카라 리스트●

도박중동자들은 토토를 편안할때 한다
여기서 개츠비카지노를 친구들과 즐기면서 할 수 있는 법에 대해 알아보자
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사람은 꼭두각시가 아니다.. 지각력은 시간이 지날수록 무뎌지고 흐려진다●

슈퍼카지노 쿠폰에 대해 생각을 말해 보겠습니다.이야기 해보겠습니다▽

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♨♧하나의 작은 꽃을 만드는 데도 오랜 세월의 노력이 필요하다.(블레이크) pray. 양심은 어떠한 과학의 힘보다도 강하고 현명하다.(라데이러)
☎Painless poverty is better than embittered wealth. 악수 폭풍은 참나무가 더욱 뿌리를 깊게 박도록 한다.(허버트) 자기의 용기를 확신할 수 있는 사람은 아무도 없다.
냠냠냠 센스! 힝~ 누구? ... 좋아 애도 주식 대한민국 릴랙스 갈래말래 더워 해피cgi 추워요 훗 샤방 해피 화남 훌쩍 >_< 깜빡 소주 반대 찬성 완소 흑흑 헐 ^^ ye~ 굿 복받으세요 미스터 미세스 미스 헉! 후덜덜 덜덜덜 뷁 캬캬캬 아자 뭐죠? 사랑 필요없다 지구를떠라 필승 캬캬캬 지름신 고맙습니다 완전조아 자기야 빠팅 니들이알어 므흣 뭐라카노 추워 하이 ㅋ 사랑해 화이팅 아자아자 쌩큐 힘내 열폭 오늘 하하하 하앙 킹왕짱 뭐니 듣보잡 ok so hot 신상품 2009
패스워드 패스워드를 입력하세요.
 67512525   보이는 도배방지키를 입력하세요.
추천 소스보기 답변 수정 삭제 목록
이전글 : 아베 피에르 신부♠◁ (2018-03-18 07:28:15)
다음글 : 5.쳅터1 다 끝났따~☏▽ (2018-03-18 07:33:51)