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문 대통령, "코로나 지나가도 치료제와 ...


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국내 및 해외에 여행다니면서 멋있는 장면이나 재미있는 모습들을 담아주세요.
제목 Pity the Poor North Korean Fishermen♣▣ 2018-03-17 16:22:29
트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
조회:56     추천:11

My name is Daniel. I was an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea, and am now a writer who has

published three books including South Korea: Our Story by Daniel Nardfini.

                  Five Chinese air force planes flew over South Korea's territorial airspace. This act was

no accident. It was a deliberate show of force against the Republic of Korea that China does not

respect South Korea's sovereignty. But China's territorial bullying goes further. It seems that North

Korea has sold off its west coast territorial water fishing rights to China. Because of this, North

Korean fishermen must now do their fishing on the east coast. This presents three major problems.

First, the east coast waters are much rougher and less predictable than the west coast. North

Korean fishing boats were never meant for the rough waters on the east coast, and it would

not be unusual if these boats got destroyed in the rough weather and frequent storms that

go through the east coast. Second, the east seas offer less chances to haul in a large catch of

fish, so the North Korean fishing boats must go further out with less provisions and less fuel

to make any catches at all. This is why so many North Korean fishing boats have washed on to

Japanese coasts with dead crews. They simply ran out of fuel and food. Finally, what catches they

can make are in Japan's exclusive economic zones and the Japanese coast guard ships will chase

away the North Korean boats any way they can. This can only be described as a terrible tragedy.

The North Korean government has betrayed its own people. It sold its west coast fishing rights

to China for U.S. $75 million (the fish catches along the west coast are worth much more money

than that). The North Korean fishermen now cannot bring in enough fish catches to make a

living, and run a real risk of dying on the seas. And just as equally tragic, if they are caught

by the Japanese, they will be forced to pay heavy fines which they simply cannot or be


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↔☎ 인간의 마음가짐이 곧 행복이다. 훌륭한 말은 훌륭한 무기이다.(풀러) 시간을 선택하는 것은 시간을 절약하는 것이다.(베이컨)
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냠냠냠 센스! 힝~ 누구? ... 좋아 애도 주식 대한민국 릴랙스 갈래말래 더워 해피cgi 추워요 훗 샤방 해피 화남 훌쩍 >_< 깜빡 소주 반대 찬성 완소 흑흑 헐 ^^ ye~ 굿 복받으세요 미스터 미세스 미스 헉! 후덜덜 덜덜덜 뷁 캬캬캬 아자 뭐죠? 사랑 필요없다 지구를떠라 필승 캬캬캬 지름신 고맙습니다 완전조아 자기야 빠팅 니들이알어 므흣 뭐라카노 추워 하이 ㅋ 사랑해 화이팅 아자아자 쌩큐 힘내 열폭 오늘 하하하 하앙 킹왕짱 뭐니 듣보잡 ok so hot 신상품 2009
패스워드 패스워드를 입력하세요.
 32886417   보이는 도배방지키를 입력하세요.
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